
2 min readJul 16, 2019


The importance of drill in military hierarchies

The importance of drill in a military is simple, drill is needed to keep order. Without the aid of drill, soldiers would be going all about everywhere. Good drill normally means a military is skilled, and well rounded. A professional and flawless unit gains a good reputation, and reputation is one of the most important things a unit, or military force can have.

Drill teaches discipline, teamwork, and respect. A large unit following commands without question, trusting their teammates, and holding themselves with a sense of pride.

Chain of Command and its significance

The Chain of Command, or COC as most refer to it, is highly important. Without a chain of command, nothing gets done in a military, simply put. The way a chain of command works is pretty simple too, the low rank enlisted goes to his NCO, who then goes to the unit commander, or the commander in general, who then issues the order back to the commander. The commander takes this order and issues it to the NCO’s, who in turn tell all the lower enlisted. That is how things get done in a military environment.

The importance of an NCO

The NCO in a military unit, has one of the most important jobs. The NCO is the middle man for the Officers, and the lower enlisted. The NCO takes the orders from the officers, and has to then make sure every single lower enlisted soldier in their assigned unit, gets the orders and understands them.



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