Launch Plans for January 19, 2018
Good evening, Egypt!
You may be wondering, why has it taken so long to launch Egypt?
Egypt has undergone a wild 3 months. War, peace, AA, drama, attention, growth, activity, hope, despair, and… Progress.
The point of delaying launch was to create a stable foundation by which Egypt could sustain itself, a sense of autonomy would be needed for this group to properly function without me here to micromanage it.
But Alaskan! Egypt has had plenty of activity, war, and development, why not drop ads and go with it?
Simply because I think differently than many group owners. I don’t plan on making an investment (in this case, Egypt) unless that investment has a guaranteed return. I’m not talking purely money here, I don’t want to invest hours into training an officer who will just leave the group, I don’t want to invest thousands of Robux into getting Egypt inactive members or artificially inflating activity.
I wanted to ensure that when we “launch”, we fully attain the growth, activity, and stability that we need in order to succeed as a group.
What does “Launch” mean anyways?
I am asked this question quite often, I’m unsure if my definition of the word “launch” in this context matches that of my fellow group leaders, so here’s what I have in mind:
Launch means a couple things, all of which will sound crazier than the last.
- Hundreds of thousands of Robux will be poured into sponsoring games and funding ads, kicking off a cycle of nonstop funding for Egypt through gamepass and uniform sales
- We will declare war on a slew of large groups throughout Robloxia in order to facilitate activity, and furthermore, revive the inner “war spirit” that many groups seemed to have lost
- We will launch a scheduled pattern of nonstop training, raids, TDM’s, and events
- Discord automation will take effect, many promotions will be automatic, new promotion system will be implemented to facilitate the huge influx of members
- NCO’s and Officers will function autonomously, meeting quotas and maintaining activity thru professional development and trial through fire
This is why I’ve delayed launch so much,
I’m not going to launch when we have no means of staying active, no maps that offer the kind of replayability that keep you in game for hours, limited progression, and no means of accomplishing most of what I have planned.
We need games.
We need policy.
We need our foundation.
Egypt is coming up, but perfection takes time.
The date is set for a very special day for me, January 19. Let’s make this an amazing launch.