Operation Arcadian Flame

3 min readMay 13, 2022

12 MAY2021


SUBJECT: Initiating the third USM wide operation to drive up activity, funding, community involvement, and group exposure.

  1. Operation Arcadian Flame will be an effort involving every branch of the United States Military. In this operation, we will test our capabilities to recruit, train, and retain members, in addition to functionally serving in a wartime capacity. We intend to increase our size by the end of this operation. (32,000 members at the time of this memorandum).
  2. Upon publication of this memorandum, members of the USMG must be in an active unit to participate in sanctioned OFFENSIVE raids. Members will still be allowed to participate in DEFENSIVE raids regardless of their status in the USMG, so long as they have completed MEPS/IET.
  3. The USM will begin to accept allies as it seeks out suitable partners to skirmish, raid, and conduct joint operations with. The sole requirement for an ally is willingness to raid or be raided by the USM. Allies will NOT be granted access to our communications except for if they join the group to act as advisors/emissaries from their respective communities.
  4. The USM’s warzones and technology will continue to be refined as we near our development goals as a community. By the start of the coming war, the USMG will have 2 fully autonomous warzones, one TPS, one FPS.
  5. The period for this operation is 6 months, meaning it will expire on the 12th of November, 2022. After determining whether this operation was a success or failure, we will more forward with another operation catered to where we are as a group and community.
  1. Reach 40,000 Members by the end of the Operation date
  2. Have under 75% of personnel in the IET process (30,000 in MEPS)
  3. Complete FPS warzone, TPS warzone, and USM combat trainer
  4. Run 20 USD in ads daily, amounting to 1.7k Robux raised a day, 25k Robux raised a month, and 309,400 Robux raised in the 6 month period
  5. Enhance the Academy with minigames worth XP, timed events, USM morphs and a more convenient UI, and in game monetary system, and functioning training and law enforcement commands in each branch
  6. Open every division in the USM, with the following officer counts applying to each branch, with each officer leading a division (40 total):
  7. Army (USA): 9
  8. Navy (USN): 6
  9. Space Force (USSF): 5
  10. Air Force (USAF): 7
  11. Coast Guard (USCG): 6
  12. Marine Corps (USMC): 7
  13. Revamp the officer corps to establish quotas for growth and activity (categorized by training events, morale events, and operational events), and incentivize commissioning in the USMG by providing a streamlined path to rank option to potential candidates

The point of contact for this memo is AlaskanReality, (Alecs#1738)

