Operation Rising Tide

2 min readApr 21, 2021


21 APR 2021


SUBJECT: Initiating the first USM wide operation to drive up activity, funding, community involvement, and group exposure.

  1. Operation Rising tide will be an effort involving every branch of the United States Military. In this operation, we intend on taking full advantage of the premium payout system of Roblox, in addition to seeing how we as a community can mobilize and collectively make a difference with our minimal numbers (172 members at the time of this memorandum).
  2. Upon publication of this memorandum, AFK farming will not be punished in game. However, all AFK USM members must now ensure that they are not outside of the main USM Academy HQ building.
  3. Every member of the USM will actively be encouraged to AFK farm, as it will drive traffic to our game and give us increased premium payouts. This means those leaving for school or work can leave their computers on during the day to drive up traffic in the game.
  4. The player with the most time accumulated will be granted a special incentive.
  5. During this time, we will use the additional funding to drive development, prepare for ads, and observe our activity and capacity for collaboration in preparation for the “hard launch” of the USM, which is to be announced soon.
  6. The period for this operation is 2 weeks, meaning it will expire on the 5th of May, 2021. After determining whether this operation was a success or failure, we will more forward with another operation catered to where we are as a group and community.

Operational Objectives

  1. Reach 300 members by the end of the Operation date
  2. Have under 50% of USM personnel in the IET process (MEPS-E1)
  3. Complete the GFX for every group and game
  4. Complete every game

The point of contact for this memo is AlaskanReality, (Alecs#1738)



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