SASR Ranks + Descriptions
The ranks below may be promoted with merit by attending events
[REC] Recruit: Enlisted
- Attend events
[PVT] Private: Enlisted
- Attend events
[LCPL] Lance Corporal: Enlisted
- Attend events
[CPL] Corporal: Enlisted
- Attend events
[SGT] Sergeant: NCO
- Attend events
[SSG] Staff Sergeant: NCO
- Attend events
[WO2] Warrant Officer Class Two: NCO
- Attend events
[WO1] Warrant Officer Class One: NCO
- Attend events
The ranks below are promoted based on appointment
Subdivision Officers and Staff (Rotating/Cyclic ranks)
[2LT] Second Lieutenant: Subdivision Officer
- Hosts for their subdivision
[LT] Lieutenant: Subdivision Officer
- Hosts for their subdivision
[CPT] Captain: Subdivision Officer
- Hosts for their subdivision
Subdivision Commanding Officer/Executive Officer
[MAJ] Major: Subdivision Executive Officer
- Appoints staff for subdivisions
[LTC] Lieutenant Colonel: Subdivision Commanding Officer
- Appoints staff for subdivisions
- Upkeeps division activity
Division Overseer/Commanding Officer/Executive Officer
[COL] Colonel: Division Executive Officer
- Appoints staff for divisions
[BG] Brigadier: Division Commanding Officer
- Appointing staff for divisions
- Responsible for all of their division’s actions
[MG] Major General: Division Overseer
- Appoints staff for divisions
- Responsible for all of their division’s actions
- Representative at meetings and to HIGHCOM / Command
[LTG] Lieutenant General: FORSCOM / SUPCOM Command
- Overseer for the entire command, has command over division overseers and ranks below
[GEN] General: Regimental Overseer
- Oversees entire regiment
[FM] Field Marshal: Regimental Commander
- Leads regiment