Special Forces Training Centre ART Guide
Special Forces Training Centre ART Guide
Table of Contents
Article I: Introduction
Article II: Uniform Regulations
Article III: ART Hosting Format
Sector 3A: Introduction
Sector 3B: Turning Drills
Sector 3C: Physical Training
Sector 3D: Firing Range
Sector 3E: Graduation and Promotions
Article I: Introduction
This is the official Advanced Regimental Training (ART) guide for instructors of the SFTC. This document contains all the information for an instructor to correctly host your ART. Instructors are expected to thoroughly follow the guideline at all times. If an instructor is found not following or skipping material, there will be consequences.
The goal of instructors is to teach trainees to the best of their abilities to ensure their trainees succeed and reach their full potential in the Special Air Service Regiment.
Instructors must always properly address whomever is participating in their event.
One individual is addressed by their rank.
Two or more individuals are addressed as “Squad”.
Four or more individuals are addressed as “Section”.
Eight or more individuals are addressed as “Platoon”.
Twelve or more individuals are addressed as “Company”.
Twenty or more individuals are addressed as “Regiment”.
Article II: Uniform Regulations
Listed below are all the specified uniforms for a specified event for trainees and instructors. Both parties must follow these regulations in order to maintain a professional setting at the barracks.
Article III: ART Hosting Format
Sector 3A: Introduction
Introduce yourself: “Hello, I’m (rank) (name), I am a (position) in SFTC, and you will address me as (sir/ma’am if officer, rank if not), is that clear?” (also introduce anyone assisting you following the same format).
“I’ll be your host today. You are here as a team, not as an individual. You will work together throughout this training. When you would like to request to speak, say “Permission to speak, (sir/ma’am if officer, rank if not)?” You will respect me, your fellow trainees, and anyone else apart of this event.”
Next is a simple grammar test. Ask each trainee a simple question such as: “How is your day going?”, or “What’s your favourite food?” This test is simple to identify which trainees use grammar to the best of their abilities. Judge each trainee’s grammar: if they’re sufficient, move on the the next trainee. If a trainee does not display good grammar, tell them to fall out and dismiss them from the event.
Sector 3B: Turning Drills
Conduct turning drills. Trainees are expected to perform these turns swiftly and with accuracy. Instructors are required to use a three strike system during this segment of the event. When a trainee fails to perform the drill correctly, or hesitates too long, they receive a strike. If a trainee reaches three strikes, the instructor must tell them to fall out and dismiss them.
Turning Drills
Always address your trainees correctly before each turning drill.
- One individual is addressed by their rank.
- Two or more individuals are addressed as “Squad”.
- Four or more individuals are addressed as “Section”.
- Eight or more individuals are addressed as “Platoon”.
- Twelve or more individuals are addressed as “Company”.
- Twenty or more individuals are addressed as “Regiment”.
Left Turn — 90 degree turn to the left
Right Turn — 90 degree turn to the right
Left Incline — 45 degree turn to the left
Right Incline — 45 degree turn to the right
About Turn — 180 degree turn, from the right
Centre/Center Turn — Turn to wherever the instructor is
Sector 3C: Marching
Instructors will then explain to their trainees the marching regulations and commands that they need to know.
Marching Regulations:
- Do not shove other trainees while marching
- Do not skip/cut in line while marching
- Do not jump around while marching
- Maintain a straight line while marching
Marching Commands
Always address your trainees correctly before each command.
- One individual is addressed by their rank.
- Two or more individuals are addressed as “Squad”.
- Four or more individuals are addressed as “Section”.
- Eight or more individuals are addressed as “Platoon”.
- Twelve or more individuals are addressed as “Company”.
- Twenty or more individuals are addressed as “Regiment”.
SFL (Single file line) — Form a straight line behind the instructor
Halt — Stop marching behind the instructor
Prepare, Forward, March — Begin the march
Resume, March — After an interruption/after getting uniforms
Sector 3D: Physical Training
After turning drills, instructors are to get their trainees into Physical Training uniforms (PTs). March the trainees to the circular obstacle course and have them fall in on the green line. Have your trainees perform 25 JJs and 10 HJs after they are complete with the JJs. Once all the trainees are finished, go over the obstacle course regulations.
Obstacle Course Regulations
- You will have two to four minutes to complete this course (Instructor chooses the amount of time).
- There will be no cheating. Cheating will result in an automatic fail.
- Do not judge or make comments about any other trainees.
- If you fail at a segment of the course, go back to the start of that segment.
Note: Repeat these regulations for the other obbies while making sure the trainees follow them.
Sector 3E: Shooting Range
After the obstacle course, the instructor will take their trainees back to the main building. Have the trainees get into G3s (Combats without a vest). Then, march them to the simple shooting range. Have each trainee enter their own individual booth. Go over the firing range regulations and then firing commands.
Firing Range Regulations
- Do not fire down the range when other personnel are on it.
- Do not point your firearm away from the range as there are live rounds in it.
- Listen to all orders from the instructor.
Firing Commands
Always address your trainees correctly before each command.
- One individual is addressed by their rank.
- Two or more individuals are addressed as “Squad”.
- Four or more individuals are addressed as “Section”.
- Eight or more individuals are addressed as “Platoon”.
- Twelve or more individuals are addressed as “Company”.
- Twenty or more individuals are addressed as “Regiment”.
Present arms — Draw your firearm
Order arms — Holster your firearm
Take aim — Aim and get ready to shoot
Single fire — Shoot your firearm once
Multi-fire — Shoot your firearm five to seven times.
Fire at will — Continuous shooting until told to cease fire
Cease fire — Stop shooting
Make sure to demonstrate. Choose an individual to demonstrate on. Give the chosen trainee some firing commands to show the other trainees what they’re expected to do. Trainees are expected to have a decent amount of rounds hitting the target in order for them to move on.
Sector 3F: Graduation and Promotions
After the firing range, the instructor will take their trainees down to the main building and get them into proper formals. Have the trainees STS on the pads at the parade deck. Tell the trainees that had failed to fall out. Make sure to tell the trainee why they failed and what they should work on next time.
Once the trainees that failed have been dismissed, go up to the remaining trainees that had passed and congratulate them for passing the ART. Make sure to put a request in #administration in the SASR discord server for each trainees’ promotion. Have an in-game admin/mod play the anthem. Once the anthem is over, dismiss everyone that was at the ART and log the event in the SFTC logs channel.
Regiment Commander, AlaskanReality
Your friendly neighborhood goat, Goatmeisterr
SASR Staff
SFTC Staff